Saturday, November 30, 2019
The Jungle Essay Research Paper The Jungle free essay sample
The Jungle Essay, Research Paper The Jungle by Upton Sinclair is a drab narrative that depicts the life of a working adult male in the early 20th century. The book shows the horrid on the job conditions placed about the Chicago mill workers and the horrors of the criterion of life. The book follows behind an immigrant from Russia who hopes to strike it rich in America. Sinclair systematically throws jobs at the adult male who runs from one scenario to the following. The rubric of the book comes from an old expression, # 8220 ; it # 8217 ; s a jungle out there. # 8221 ; intending that the universe is so complex and busy, it is difficult to grok all that is taking topographic point. That is precisely how the book is portrayed, as a jungle. So many things are traveling on like offense, political relations, corruptness, concern, and households, that the chief character has a difficult clip seeking to set from his simple battle to last in Russia. The novel takes topographic point in Packingtown, a little country in Chicago during the early 1900 # 8217 ; s. Packingtown is made up of a a few shops and two large meat processing workss. The whole country is based on the workss where most of the people are employed. Packingtown is non a pretty topographic point. The air is filled with a black fume that pours all twenty-four hours long from the large mills. The streets are non paved and the working conditions are awful. The scene is a perfect topographic point for a adult male to fight from one job to the following without of all time happening the consolation of comfort and relaxation. The clip is of import to the novel because it is before any Torahs on working conditions and nutrient quality have been established. The novel takes topographic point in several clip sequences where Sinclair briefly Michigans to explicate the new job that the chief character must get the better of. The chief Fictional characters on the novel are Jugus, the adult male of which the narrative follows, Ona, Jurgis # 8217 ; s married woman, Elzbieta, female parent in jurisprudence of Ona, and Marija, Ona # 8217 ; s cousin. Jurgis is the chief character of the novel and the lone individual who makes any alteration at all. Jurgis is a large adult male who starts work in one of the killing beds in a meat mill. Jurgis is a adult male who merely wants the best for Ona and when faced with a job uses the slogan, # 8220 ; I will work harder. # 8221 ; Ona is a # 8220 ; mere child # 8221 ; whose physical and emotional breakability let small opportunity for endurance. Elzbieta is a adult female who endures calamity after calamity throughout the narrative. Marija is an orphan. She is a immature adult female of huge energy, powerful organic structure, and commanding voice. Word picture in the narrative is exemplifying. The reader does non cognize the characters in the narrative any better on at the terminal of the narrative as he did at the beginning. Once described, the character does non intensify or go more apprehensible. All of the characters in the narrative have a intent, they all are at that place to hold something go on to them. The scope of word picture is little and all the characters are similar in actions and words. There dimensions are all the same and so is their degree of credibility. The on the job labourer is depicted and portions small differences from the rational upper- category adult male. Besides, word picture is wholly external. The writer ever tells the actions of the character and Tells what they are believing. The procedure of thought and moral pick are neer shown. Jurgis is faced with many jobs throughout the narrative but none more evident than that of poorness. The degree of poorness in Packingtown is that of a lower criterion than we are accustomed to. Jurgis has high hopes for him and his household when the narrative begins and he has his occupation at the killing beds. But an hurt stops his programs of a good life style short. After mending from the hurt Jurgis finds out that he no longer has his old occupation and must seek for a new one. Jurgis is unable to happen a occupation and following the decease of one of Elzbieta # 8217 ; s crippled kids Jurgis goes to work in the fertiliser works, a topographic point where no adult male chooses to travel if he can assist it. Then Jurgis finds out that Ona has committed adultery forced upon her by Conner, one of the chiefs where they work. Jurgis confronts Conner and beats him severely and is sent to gaol. Ona dies from an early labour and Jurgis stays rummy for several yearss and lone brings himself back together by the supplications of Elzbieta who cries for the interest of Anatas, Jurgi sââ¬â¢s boy. All through these jobs Jurgis stay the same and alterations little. The turning point in the novel and the lone clip that Jurgis alterations at all is when he hears a socialist oratator speak about all the good of socialism. From this point on Jurgis takes to socialism and attempts to larn more about it. Jurgis joins up with other socialists and learns how socialism is the lone reply to everyone # 8217 ; s jobs. There is one thing that Sinclair refrains from and that is traveling right out and depicting a character. He puts a image of the character in the reader # 8217 ; s mind # 8217 ; s oculus by how the character Acts of the Apostless and by what he does. For case Ona # 8217 ; s infirmity and vacillation to face any opposition shows that she is little and cautious. On the other manus Jurgis was hired for a occupation by merely standing at that place and looking imposing. It was besides said about Jurgis that # 8220 ; he could take up a two-hundred-and-fifty-pound one-fourth of beef and carry it into a auto without a lurch, or even a idea # 8221 ; . Dialogue is non used really efficaciously throughout the narrative. Alternatively of utilizing duologue to depict the characters, Sinclair merely explains what the characters do in the narrative alternatively of conveying the reader on to their degree. I couldn # 8217 ; t happen any transitions in the narrative that illustrates dialogue used efficaciously. One thing that Sinclair uses for consequence in the narrative is repeat. The whole point of the narrative is to prophesy about socialism, so to make the right frame of head for the reader, Sinclair must demo how bad the manner of life at present clip in the narrative is. So repetitively, Jurgis has one atrocious thing after another happen to him. He losingss occupations, becomes injured, has household members die, all because of the manner of life. This repeat helps Sinclair dramatise the stoping of his narrative. This is a transition that I believe illustrates Sinclair # 8217 ; s sense of manner, # 8220 ; The whole long torment came back to him. Their forfeits in the beginning, their three hundred dollars that they had scraped together, all they owned in the universe, all that stood between them and famishment! And so their labor, month by month, to acquire the 12 dollars, and the involvement every bit good, and now and so the revenue enhancements, and the other charges, and the fixs, and what non! Dede Antanas had died in the battle to gain that money # 8211 ; he would hold been alive and strong today if he had non had to work in Durham # 8217 ; s dark basements to gain his portion. And Ona excessively, had given her wellness and strength to pay for it # 8211 ; she was wrecked and ruined because of it ; and so was he. # 8221 ; This transition shows the repetitiousness that the characters had been through throughout the narrative. Everything that they of all time work for, they lose many times over. Sinclair shows his characters no clemency, whenever it can # 8217 ; t acquire worse, it does. One obvious facet of the narrative is the subject. It is clear to the reader the point that Sinclair is seeking to acquire across to the reader. The subject is how socialism is the lone manner to take a descent life. Sinclair is seeking to state that without socialism, we will be forced to life a life as Jurgis did. The basic manner to depict socialism is a lighter signifier of communism. I don # 8217 ; t agree with the writers ideas on authorities because it is know about 80 old ages after the narrative was written and we have gotten along merely all right while other states have relied on communism and collapsed. If I was populating the life of Jurgis though, I would likely turn toward anything new and promising alteration. That is likely why the writer thought that socialism would alter the state for the better. I on the other manus am appreciative of the signifier of democracy we pattern today. The best thing about The Jungle is the ambiance and the narrative line. I liked the graphic image of the gloomy ambiance that Sinclair painted in my head. I besides liked how the book kept my involvement throughout the narrative. The stoping of the narrative has several things left unexpressed, but the existent narrative was good. I would non be that interested in reading another narrative by that writer because opportunities are that it would be another book about socialism. There is besides the fact that Sinclair does non organize his characters all that well and they do non develop throughout the narrative. Sinclair can compose a reasonably convincing narrative, they # 8217 ; re merely non my type.
Monday, November 25, 2019
white rabbit essays
white rabbit essays The song I am reporting on is called White Rabbit. The band, Jefferson Airplane, performs the song. I selected this song because of the eerie feeling it gives you when you listen to it. Also, this song is a very good example of drug use among the youth, especially the hippies, in the 1960s. The copyright date on this song is 1967. Jefferson Airplane was a very influential group in the late sixties all the way up to the late eighties. When Grace Slick joined the group, during the summer or love, she made the band an icon for the hippie generation. Their performances were known for extreme psychedelic visuals as well as the unique sound they produced. When those two things came together the experience was said to be the ultimate companion for taking LSD. When this song was put out, it was early in Jefferson Airplanes career. White Rabbit was on their second album and their first with new lead singer, Grace Slick. She was the role model for all hippie girls, and the dream girl for all hippie guys. She stayed with, as well as slept with, the group for most of its career. In the time that White Rabbit was recorded, the war in Vietnam had started raging into a global conflict. The hippie movement, in which Jefferson Airplane participated, was against the war, and for love, peace, and drugs. The music of Jefferson Airplane took these ideas and spread them with creative and appropriate songs. The lyrics of White Rabbit were clearly those that expressed drug use. The beginning of the song tells us that the pills that mother gives you dont do anything at all, but the ones they take might make you large or make you small, this is clearly a reference to taking LSD. The song title as well as the characters in the song all come from the Disney movie, Alice in Wonderland which is believed to have subtle drug themes. The song basically ...
Friday, November 22, 2019
Assessing The International Human Resource Management Methods Business Essay
Assessing The International Human Resource Management Methods Business Essay Due to globalization, the economy around the world has been largely integrated. Many corporations are expanding their markets into regions or other countries they have never touched before. These corporations are experiencing an evolutionary stage: internationalization. It is clear that effective human resource management of an organization is the major competitive advantage and may even be the most important determinant of organizational performance. Thus, in order to survive in the crucial global economic market, a multinational corporation (MNC) mainly relies on the capability of its international human resource management (IHRM) during the internationalization process. In other words, it is the IHRMââ¬â¢s responsibility to enable the MNCs to be successful globally. Over the past several decades, practitioners and scholars have devoted great effort to explore the field of IHRM and there have developed thousands of literatures which support the notion that international human r esource management is increasingly an important topic. Most of their focus has been on IHRM issues in MNCs. Further, much of the literature deals specifically with managing expatriates (Napier, 1998).This literature review is divided into five parts. First part provides a brief introduction of the IHRM definition. In the second part, reasons for the increasing importance of IHRM are explained. Then, the author introduces strategic IHRM and an integrative framework of Strategic IHRM in MNCs Definition of International Human Resource Management (IHRM) What is IHRM? Actually, it is not easy to provide a precise definition of international human resource management (IHRM) because the responsibility of an HR manger in a multinational corporation (MNC) varies from one firm to another. Generally speaking, IHRM is the effective utilization of human resources in a corporation in an international environment. Scullion (1995: p352) defined IHRM as ââ¬Å"the HRM issues and problems arising fro m the internationalization of business, and the HRM strategies, policies and practices which firms pursue in response to the internationalization of businessâ⬠. In most studies, the term IHRM has traditionally focused on expatriation (Brewster and Harris, 1999). However, IHRM covers a far wider spectrum than expatriation management. Four major activities essentially concerned with IHRM were recruitment and selection, training and development, compensation and repatriation of expatriates (Welch, 1994). Iles (1995) also identifies four key areas in IHRM as recruitment and selection, training and development, managing multicultural teams and international diversity and performance management. From the perspective of worldwide people management, Hendry (1994) points out three main issues in IHRM: 1) expatriation management and development; 2) the management internationalization through the whole organization; 3) creating a corporate culture to internationalize the corporation to fu lfill the increasing need of inter-cultural interactions of doing business abroad and in home country. Recent definitions concern IHRM with activities of how MNCs manage their geographically decentralized employees in order to develop their HR resources for competitive advantage, both locally and globally. The role and functions of IHRM, the relationship between subsidiaries and headquarters, and the policies and practices are considered in this more strategic approach. Dowling, Schuler and Welch define IHRM as ââ¬Å"a collection of policies and practices that a multinational enterprise uses to manage local and non-local employees it has in countries other than their home countries (Dowling et al., 1993: p2).ââ¬
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Introduction to Financial Markets Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Introduction to Financial Markets - Essay Example From this discussion it is clear thatà by differentiating the functions of the financial markets, it is important to mention both, diverse financial institutions that operate in such markets as well as the diverse ways in which these souks are structured. This is referring to the financial institutions otherwise referred to as the major players in the financial markets.à This paper highlights that brokers are often considered as commissioned mediators of a buyer or seller who aids transaction by identifying a seller or buyer to achieve the desired transaction. A broker does not have a say in the assets she or he just trades. In other words, the broker does not reserve records in these assets. The benefits or wages of brokers are established by the commissions that they charge to consumers of their services such as the sellers, the buyers, or sometimes both. For instance, brokers include stockbrokers and real estate brokers.à The next institution is the dealers. Like brokers, th ey facilitate business by matching purchasers with assets from sellers; they do not connect in asset conversion. Unlike brokers, however, dealers can maintain records of the assets that they have traded such bought or sold. Such activities often allow them to, the dealer to vend out of the catalogue rather than constantly having to identify sellers to match each tender to purchase. The difference between the price a dealer provides to sell and the price at which he offers to purchase a product is referred to as bid price. Examples of dealers include car dealers, dealersââ¬â¢ of government bonds, and stock dealers. The investment bankers. The third institution which is involved in the financial markets affairs are the investment Banks. It facilitates the first offer of newly issued securities
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Philosophy 1 - Term Paper Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1
Philosophy 1 - Term Paper - Assignment Example That is deductive argument. However, if the process were done backward, then that would be inductive argumentation. There are three perennial issues philosophy has always been concerned and trying to resolve until now. The first issue is the meaning of life, which philosophy tries to find value and reason, or purpose, for one to exist. The next issue is the origin of life, which philosophy searches for understandable answers as to where do all life and existence begin or come from. The last issue is the question of reality. Philosophy seeks to understand whether what we know and experience with our perception actually exists, not merely appears. The cosmological argument for the existence of God states that the world or the cosmos most probably had a creator, a first cause, an unmoved mover who created everything that exist, which is attributed to God. On the other hand, the ontological argument would infer Godââ¬â¢s existence through the a priori way of reasoning, wherein the human person can grasp the concept of a God, thus, there must be a God. The four ethical systems are the Aristotelian Golden Mean, Confucian Golden Rule, Natural Law Ethics and Kantian Categorical Imperative. The Aristotelian Golden Mean is all about doing things in balanced measure, never doing any act that is too much or too less but doing what is just enough. The Confucian Golden Rule speaks of doing what is right to others if one were to expect good from others as well. The Natural Law Ethics rules that since nature and the universe moves in an orderly manner, we must act in accordance as such. The Kantian Categorical Imperative asserts that an individualââ¬â¢s morality is absolute and unconditional in any circumstances The Western view of evil is that the existence of Evil is the absence of what is good. That means, an action that is void of any good
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Jane Eyre Essay Example for Free
Jane Eyre Essay The novel Jane Eyre was originally published in London, England in 1847 by Smith, Elder Co. The early editions of the novel were given the subtitle An Autobiography and named Currer Bell as the editor, not the author. The subtitle was dropped in subsequent editions of the novel. During the days when the novel was published, it was popularly believed that men and women had different duties and responsibilities. Women were encouraged to be devoted and submissive to their husbands. The ideal woman was passive, charming, self-sacrificing and pure. Jane Eyre and other works of the Charlotte and her sisters were centred around the lives of protagonists who did not conform to these societal ideals. Thus, in order to hide their true identities and genders, the three Bronte sisters published their works under pseudonyms. These were Acton Bell (Anne Bronte), Ellis Bell (Emily Bronte) and Currer Bell (Charlotte Bronte). Despite its immediate popularity, Jane Eyre was condemned by its earliest critics as anti-Christian. These negative reviews can be attributed to the generally rebellious tone of the novel. Through the description of the protagonistââ¬â¢s life, including those related to her social status and matters of the heart, the reader is presented with several social and political issues. The novel questions societyââ¬â¢s view of women, the importance of the arts and the basis of a solid marriage. Based on the standards of the society in the days when the novel was first published, Jane Eyre as a character lead an immoral life. Jane fell in love and lusted after a married man, was proposed to by her cousin, and describes a clergymen as hypocritical and greedy. The novel is written in such a manner that the reader empathizes with Jane, and in doing so, leads the reader to question his or her beliefs. The novel is also explicitly anti-Christian in that Jane questions the existence and importance of God. During her days at Lowood, Janeââ¬â¢s close friend, Helen Burns contracts tuberculosis. On her deathbed, Helen calmly reassures Jane that by dying young, she is escaping great sufferings, and will go to God. Jane remains sceptical, and asks, ââ¬Å"Where is God? What is God? â⬠In the same conversation, Jane questions the existence of heaven and the ability of people to enter it. Using contemporary standards, these questions might be considered by some to be normal and even healthy. However, in the context of the society during the time when the novel was first published, such comments would have been considered as blasphemous and grossly immoral. Critics who believed that the novel was in fact an autobiography were correct. Although the life of the character Jane Eyre is not identical to that of the author Charlotte Bronte, there are obvious parallels. For example, while attending Lowood School, one of Janeââ¬â¢s closest friends dies of consumption. Similarly, while attending school at Cowan Bridge, Janeââ¬â¢s sisters died of the same illness. This coincidence drew comparisons between the fictional headmaster of Lowood whom Jane denounces as insincere and deceitful, and Charlotteââ¬â¢s own former headmaster who ran Cowan Bridge. Another parallel can be drawn between the character of John Reed and Charlotteââ¬â¢s brother Branwell, because both men suffered from alcoholism. Perhaps the most obvious similarity between the novel and the authorââ¬â¢s life is the fact that both Jane and Charlotte were governesses. In accepting Jane Eyre as the true adventures of its heroine and by branding the novel as anti-Christian, early critics were correct. Due to similarities in the personal life of Charlotte Bronte and the experiences of Jane Eyre, it can be inferred that the novel is an autobiography. Based on the standards of society during the time it was first published, the rebellious tone and the manner in which the novel questioned respected social institutions, the novel can be considered as anti-Christian.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Ethics in The Criminal Justice Profession Essay example -- Morality/Et
Ethics or being ethical is simply based on a personââ¬â¢s capability to choose what is right or wrong or good or bad. Ethics can be defined as the body of moral principles or values governing or distinctive of a particular culture or group. (Banks C. , 2009). Ethics is a branch of philosophy dealing with the study of questions of right and wrong and how we ought to live our lives; A system of moral principles (Banks C. , 2009). Over all, morality rests squarely on the shoulders oneââ¬â¢s early social environment. Ethics or being ethical in any business is very important. Business ethics, especially in retail, usually means three things, avoid breaking criminal law and labor laws, avoid action that may result in civil law suits against the company and avoid actions that are bad for the company image. Businesses are especially concerned with these three things given that it involves loss of money and company reputation. In theory, a business could address these concerns by assigning corporate attorneys and public relations experts to supervise employees on their daily activities. Because at anytime an employee might stray from acceptable conduct, the experts would be there to guide them back. Obviously, this solution would be a financial disaster if practiced. Given that it would cost a company more in attorney and public relations fees, companies save more by having preventative procedures in place. Consequently, companies have established special task forces or special departments to combat company from losses that it more cost effective. Such as, loss prevention agents or specialists, security guards and or special police, etc., to help prevent ââ¬Å"shrinkageâ⬠. There are many major issues concerning criminal justice. These major issues ... ...ears, it is has come to light that some criminal justice professionals (decision makers) have sometimes fell short of making the ââ¬Å"rightâ⬠choices, or have deliberately acted unethically in carrying out their duties (Banks, 2009). Being ethical whether itââ¬â¢s in criminal justice or loss prevention it all has to do with making the right decisions to better the company or job. Works Cited Banks, C. (2009). Criminal Justice; Theory and Practice, 2nd edition. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications Inc.,. Grant, K. J. (2002, December). Ethics and Law Enforcement. FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin , pp. 11-14. Kleinig, J. (2008). Ethics and Criminal Justice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Less, R. D. (2008). Corperate Governance . Retrieved 03 15, 2012, from Code of Business Conduct and Ethics:
Monday, November 11, 2019
Management of Information System Essay
Supply chain management is the general, strategic interaction of the business functions within a particular firm and throughout businesses within the supply chain with the aim of improving the long-term performance of individual firm and the supply chain as a whole. The functions of logistics are key operating elements of a firm that need design and management agreeable with corporate strategy and changing competitive scenarios. The functions of purchasing focus on various processes such as contract writing, buying, demand planning, budgeting, supplier base and vendor management, and customer relationships. A firm may execute an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system in order to automate its inventory management as well as sales and order process, including the related approval process. The ERP system is an extension of manufacturing resource planning and material requirements planning (MRP) systems, which link a firmââ¬â¢s demand side with its supply side by categorizing demand into requirements for components and parts. The ERP system provides a complete set of supply chain functionalities, including the planning and implementation of marketing activities, inventory and shop floor management and the potential of authorizing ordering and receiving to the end-user. It has also the capability of Internet integration and enterprise application integration through customized interfaces and XML. Customer relationship management analytics are capable of determining the effectiveness of marketing campaigns, projecting customer trends, identifying unprofitable clients, up-sell opportunities and clients who are likely to defect, measuring the effectiveness of incentive programs to meet overall sales goals, monitoring the performance of the sales staff, distributing resources in terms of customer needs and value, analyzing the cost-to-service ratio per client segment, and delivering the more suitable levels of customer service. Reference . Themistocleous, Marinos (2005). Enterprise Resource Planning and Enterprise Application Integration. United Kingdom: Emerald Publishing Limited.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Conjunction Worksheet
Name ______________________________ Period ______ Date _____________ Conjunctions Practice Worksheet A. Match the sentence halves to make a complete sentence. Draw lines between the two. |Both Peter |but we have enough money. | |Not only do we want to go |neither true nor realistic. | |Either Jack will have to work more hours |and I are coming next week. | |That story was |either his career or his hobby. |Students who do well not only study hard |but also use their instincts if they do not know the answer. | |In the end he had to choose |or we will have to hire somebody new. | B. Combine the following sentences into one sentence using paired conjunctions (conjunctions that go together). Choose from the following options: both â⬠¦ and; not only â⬠¦ but also; either â⬠¦ or; neither â⬠¦ nor 1. We could fly. We could go by train. ______________________________________________________________________________________ 2.She will have to study hard. She will have to concentra te to do well on the exam. ______________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Jack is not here. Tom is in another city. ______________________________________________________________________________________ 4. The speaker will not confirm the story. The speaker will not deny the story. ______________________________________________________________________________________ 5. Pneumonia is a dangerous disease. Small pox is a dangerous illness. _____________________________________________________________________________________ 6. Fred loves traveling. Jane wants to go around the world. ______________________________________________________________________________________ 7. It might rain tomorrow. It might snow tomorrow. ______________________________________________________________________________________ 8. Playing tennis is good for your heart. Jogging is good for your health. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________ C.Below you will find clauses that need a conjunction to create a compound sentence. Choose the conjunction that makes the most sense in the sentence. 1. You can come to the meeting ____ you can hear all the information. a. So b. Because c. While d. Until e. Nevertheless 2. Iââ¬â¢m not leaving _____ I get an apology from you. a. So b. Because c. While d. Until e. Nevertheless 3. I came here _____ you could give me an explanation. a. So b. Because c. While d. Until e. Nevertheless 4. Bob is very tall _____ Bill is very short. a. So b. Because c. While . Until e. Nevertheless 5. You look frightened _____ there is nothing to be scared of. a. So b. Because c. While d. Until e. But 6. I refuse to pay anything _____ you do the work properly. a. So b. Because c. While d. Until e. But 7. Iââ¬â¢m going shopping for food this evening _____ I am having guests for dinner. a. But b. While c. Until d. Because e. So 8. You seem happy _____ you are smiling all the time. a. But b. While c. So d. Because e. Nevertheless 9. I donââ¬â¢t mind if you go out for lunch _____ we will take a break at noon. a. So b. Because Conjunction Worksheet Name ______________________________ Period ______ Date _____________ Conjunctions Practice Worksheet A. Match the sentence halves to make a complete sentence. Draw lines between the two. |Both Peter |but we have enough money. | |Not only do we want to go |neither true nor realistic. | |Either Jack will have to work more hours |and I are coming next week. | |That story was |either his career or his hobby. |Students who do well not only study hard |but also use their instincts if they do not know the answer. | |In the end he had to choose |or we will have to hire somebody new. | B. Combine the following sentences into one sentence using paired conjunctions (conjunctions that go together). Choose from the following options: both â⬠¦ and; not only â⬠¦ but also; either â⬠¦ or; neither â⬠¦ nor 1. We could fly. We could go by train. ______________________________________________________________________________________ 2.She will have to study hard. She will have to concentra te to do well on the exam. ______________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Jack is not here. Tom is in another city. ______________________________________________________________________________________ 4. The speaker will not confirm the story. The speaker will not deny the story. ______________________________________________________________________________________ 5. Pneumonia is a dangerous disease. Small pox is a dangerous illness. _____________________________________________________________________________________ 6. Fred loves traveling. Jane wants to go around the world. ______________________________________________________________________________________ 7. It might rain tomorrow. It might snow tomorrow. ______________________________________________________________________________________ 8. Playing tennis is good for your heart. Jogging is good for your health. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________ C.Below you will find clauses that need a conjunction to create a compound sentence. Choose the conjunction that makes the most sense in the sentence. 1. You can come to the meeting ____ you can hear all the information. a. So b. Because c. While d. Until e. Nevertheless 2. Iââ¬â¢m not leaving _____ I get an apology from you. a. So b. Because c. While d. Until e. Nevertheless 3. I came here _____ you could give me an explanation. a. So b. Because c. While d. Until e. Nevertheless 4. Bob is very tall _____ Bill is very short. a. So b. Because c. While . Until e. Nevertheless 5. You look frightened _____ there is nothing to be scared of. a. So b. Because c. While d. Until e. But 6. I refuse to pay anything _____ you do the work properly. a. So b. Because c. While d. Until e. But 7. Iââ¬â¢m going shopping for food this evening _____ I am having guests for dinner. a. But b. While c. Until d. Because e. So 8. You seem happy _____ you are smiling all the time. a. But b. While c. So d. Because e. Nevertheless 9. I donââ¬â¢t mind if you go out for lunch _____ we will take a break at noon. a. So b. Because
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Love poems Essay Example
Love poems Essay Example Love poems Essay Love poems Essay Sometimes what you need to say can be very short. In fact it may be the fact that the poem is short that makes it special. Its short length may show that you put the time and effort in to make every word count. You considered carefully every word choice. Every word choice has a reason behind it. A short poem can be the ultimate act of romance when it is given the time and effort that it deserve. When I first looked into your eyes, I became weak I was so shy that I couldnt even speak So I handed you a letter and walked away Hoping youd read it, wondering what youd say I went to the lake as the sunset Thinking of you, I swear I couldnt ever forget The way you smiled and laughed so sweet Remembering how my heart skipped a beat Your eyes are more beautiful than the setting sun When you looked into mine, I knew you were the one I no longer think back of being so lonely Because all I need now Is you, my one and only Being hurt in the past only made me stronger Now have you and wish my days lasted longer Watching the rain as It falls from the sky Kissing your lips as we close our eyes Making you smile Is Like a dream come true Aside from the night I fell In love with you Im so happy you read the letter I wrote If I werent so shy, I promise I would have spoke Loving you dearly has always been easy Never having the feeling that youd ever leave me Every night when I dream Its always of you When I awake I realize my dream came true
Monday, November 4, 2019
Rayong factory of the Simple Shoes Company Essay
Rayong factory of the Simple Shoes Company - Essay Example A Distinguish between basic, ideal and attainable standards and explain how these may be used in the Rayong factory of the Simple Shoes Company. Standard cost is the pre-determined operating cost calculated from Managementââ¬â¢s standards of efficient operation and the relevant necessary expenditure. It is used as a basis for price fixation and cost control through variance analysis.Basically, standard cost reflects;oQuantities of material and labor expected to be used;oPrices expected to be paid for materials and labor during the coming year, and,oFactory expenses applicable to production based on efficient performance and practical capacity operation of the factory.Standard costs are used in the following applications:o Planning & Control: Standards provide a benchmark, which serves two purposes ââ¬â guiding and directing the activities of the firm (planning) and analyzing whether the actual activities are in proper direction (control).oPricing Decisions: Standard cost facil itates decisions as also in decisions involving submission of quotations, replying to tenders etc. Since cost is pre-determined based on acceptable standards efficiency, decision making process is simplified.oVariance Analysis: Identification and measurement of variances from standards is possible with the use of standard costs, with a view to improve performance or to revise standards, whichever is applicable. Management by Exception: By analyzing the variances, the decision maker can focus on significant deviations from standards and take corrective actions. Managers can concentrate on critical areas of activity where variances are reported. Thus, standard costs facilitate control by exception (Accounting Tools 2008). Characteristics of basic standards (AccountingCoach 2008) Particulars Characteristics Period These standards reflect the costs that would have been incurred in a certain past period (i.e. the base period). Change These standards are used for items or costs which are likely to remain constant over a long period. Short run vs. Long run Basic standards are set on a long term basis and are seldom revised. Effect These costs relate to a base year, which is chosen for comparison purposes, like price indices etc. Basic standards do not represent what should be attained in the present period. Suitability Suited only to businesses having a small range of products and long production runs. Comparison of ideal standards and attainable standards ( 2009) Particulars Ideal Standards Attainable Standards Conditions These represent the level of performance attainable with the ââ¬Ëbestââ¬â¢ or ââ¬Ëideal set-upââ¬â¢, i.e. best quality materials at favorable prices, highly skilled labor, best equipments and layout. These represent the level of performance attainable under normal operating conditions, i.e. normal efficiency, normal sales/production volume etc. Efficiency These standards focus on maximum efficiency in utilization of resources, i.e. maximum output with minimum cost These standards focus on the practical attainable efficiency, after considering normal imperfections, i.e. optimization (not minimization) of cost per unit. Attainment These are generally not attainable; hence such standards may not be taken seriously. These are attainable with reasonable effort and hence constitute a good benchmark for control. Disposition o f variances Variances from the ideals would not indicate the extent to which they could have been reasonably and practically avoided. There is no logical method of disposing these variances. Here, variances are deviations from normal expectations. Hence they are disposed on the basis of the policy of the company in this regard. How these may be used in the Rayong factory of the Simple Shoes Company As is obvious from what has been discussed above a basic standard is more of a historical piece of information without much practical relevance for a new set up. Thus, it is advisable that no effort should be spent on setting up basic standards. Instead it would be much more effective if the
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Heather Fraser, Mae Shaw and Paulo Freires View of Communitarianism Essay
Heather Fraser, Mae Shaw and Paulo Freires View of Communitarianism - Essay Example From the report findings it is clear a community represents a high level of employing an elementary preposition of political and social contribution. Neighbourhoods, families and churches all form part of the entire community despite the political and moral interpretations. Despite many differences across the globe, a community constitutes shared values and goals that coincide with the individual interests. In addition, community members have an instrumental value that built a personal relationship for different members to enjoy a sense of ownership. Most importantly, members of a community enjoy a sense of identity that allows them to enjoy various present conditions. The paper states that friendship has been an instrumental factor in defining different relationships. On other hand, this has failed in many instances, as it does not converge solidarity. Arguably, this is because of communal concerns and other issues such as sexual practices as well as understanding of the universe. Above all, communitarianism remains a viewpoint that has significantly affected the community. Despite going through change from one community to another, the term community probably remains an umbrella words that has not change meaning but only use. In his book, Four different approaches to community participation Heather Fraser presents a theoretical orientation of communitarianism from different approaches.
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